Forest Foodbank Reverse Christmas Advent Calendar 2023
15th November 2023
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We all love an advent calendar, and the foodbank does too so we have produced one with a bit of a difference and something that we do every year.
It is our reverse Advent calendar, but how does it work?
You can get involved as individuals, families, group of colleagues, schools, organisations or businesses. Every day for 24 days we have put a food item, these are items that we are low on.
You start December 1st or earlier, it is up to you, and then for the next 24 days collect the item on the Advent Calendar. As you are shopping and if one of our donation points is in the store, why not drop it in there on your way out. Or collect them all and then donate those items at one of our points that are all over the Forest.
Food items donated will be separated and used to make up our emergency food parcels so there is no need to gift wrap them thank you.
Thank you for taking part and feel free to download the calendar.
Without your donations we would not be able to supply much needed food to members of our community.
From our communities, for our communities