Donations Drop off points
You can drop off your donations at the following locations where we regularly pick up:
Tesco Lydney - in-store shoppers only. Any food that has been purchased in a different store and brought into Tesco store should be sealed and clearly labelled as having been purchased elsewhere.
Tesco Cinderford - in-store shoppers only. Any food that has been purchased in a different store and brought into Tesco store should be sealed and clearly labelled as having been purchased elsewhere.
Tesco Coleford Express - in-store shoppers only. Any food that has been purchased in a different store and brought into Tesco store should be sealed and clearly labelled as having been purchased elsewhere.
The Main Place, Coleford Library
Eskimarket, Coalway
Co-op, Coleford
St James Church Centre, Bream, GL15 6ES (please drop off in the foyer between 9am and 1pm Monday-Thursday and 9am and 3pm on Friday)
Kevin's Family Butchers, Mitcheldean
Crooked End Farm, Ruardean
Lidl, Coleford
Lidl, Lydney
Co-op Petrol Filling Station, Highfield Road, Lydney
Lydney library, Hill Street, Lydney
Cinderford Library, Belle Vue Road - Cinderford
The Fountain Inn - Parkend
IMPORTANT How to access an e-referral
The Forest Foodbank is OPEN and we are here for YOU!
We will feed anyone who needs us no matter who you are or what walk of life you come from, it doesn’t matter if you are a single person, a couple or a family we are here for you.
Until we have an end in sight for the need for our service to our community, we have to work closely with the agencies in The Forest of Dean to help with your immediate crisis, but also help you to access a more long term solution.
To access a food parcel you do need to be referred by an approved agency. There are a number of agencies we work with but you can also check with your child(s) school or your local church, they will be more than happy to refer you if you need help with food. Some of our agencies require you to be registered with them to access an e-referral.
To access agencies who can refer you click the ‘Get Help’ button go to vouchers. Call any of these agencies and they will do an e-referral for you.
1. Check the list of agencies on our Facebook page or website. Each agency as an area of expertise please approach the one who fits your crisis.
2. Contact the agency for an e-referral and they will sign post you to help with your particular needs. If you need toiletries or dog/cat food please ask them to add.
3. Once your e-referral is live you can collect in person from Lydney, Coleford or Cinderford
Tuesday 1pm - 3pm
River Children & Family centre, Naas Lane, Lydney
Wednesday 10am – 12 noon
The Salvation Army, Broadwell
Thursday 1pm – 3pm
The Forest & Wye Community Church, Parragate Road, Cinderford
Current Agency List
St James Church, Bream – Claire Phillips 01594 562985, open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9am to 1pm. Friday 9am to 3pm.
Katrina Cracknell, Forest & Wye Community Church, Cinderford. Mobile number – 07944591112
CCP (Green Square) Gloucestershire Community Based Support – Cinderford, Coleford and Lydney Debt, Housing, Budgeting 0300 365 2002
FODCAB – North and West Gloucestershire Citizens Advice Low Income 0300 330 9006
Salvation Army Low Income, Social Care, Debt 01594 839106
FoD Families Children’s Assessment Teams Social Care 01452 426565
Chepstow and District CAP Debt Centre Debt 07539477286 8003280006
Age UK Community & Social Care, Legal, Housing, Financial & Social Isolation 01452 422660
Christians Against Poverty Low Income, Social Care 07811 906 993
Help through hardship - Low Income Support - 0808 208 2138
Change, grow, live - Drug & Alcohol dependency support - 01452 223014 (
GDASS – Supporting victims of domestic abuse Designed to reduce the level of domestic abuse and improve the safety of victims and their families. 01452 726570
Email: [email protected]
Current Shopping List
We are currently in need of the following items:
Peanut Butter
Tinned Rice Pudding
Tinned Cold Meat
Tinned Hot Meat (chilli, curry, steak, mince etc)
Tinned Potatoes
UHT Milk
UHT Fruit Juice
Baked Beans
Please avoid donating out of date items as this slows our warehouse down.
Many thanks for your support as always.
Our distributution Centres
Lydney - Tuesday 1pm to 3pm. River Children & Family centre, Naas Lane, Lydney
Coleford - Wednesday 10am to 12noon. The Salvation Army, Broadwell.
Cinderford - Thursday 1pm to 3pm. The Forest & Wye Community Church, Parragate Road, Cinderford.