
Gloucester and District Samaritans – MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS WEEK 10 – 16 MAY

18th April 2021

‘It’s Good To Talk’ …

 …..  a series of short webinar presentations to mark 


 Gloucester & District Samaritans warmly welcome you to join in for one, or several, of the following short talks, all starting at 7.30pm and lasting for about 30 minutes: 

Monday, 10 May – “Samaritans… why talk to them?”

To book, email: [email protected]

* a brief overview of Samaritans and why talking about feelings is important.


Tuesday, 11 May – “Emotional Health’

To book, email:  [email protected]

* an introduction to understanding impacts on our emotional health, recognising when someone is not OK, coping strategies and building resilience.


Wednesday, 12 May – “Learn to Listen”

To book, email: [email protected]

*learn top tips about important active listening skills.


Thursday, 13 May – “Watching out for each other during these challenging times”

To book, email : [email protected]

* some challenges and impacts of the Covid pandemic on our callers and a resume of how we might all respond.


Friday, 14 May – “Suicide in a community setting”

To book, email: [email protected]

* when a suicide happens in your community – how might we respond at a personal and a community level?

They would love to hear from you.

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